
View on GitHub

Helene Finidori

Researcher / Changemaker / Perspectives & tools for transformative action

Social Profiles & Networks

Supported Projects

Publications & Contributions

Development wishlist on Github

Goals & Values

What is important for me

Connectivity, interoperability, flow, renewal, keeping true to purpose. Esteem, mindfulness, integrity. Breathe, move, stretch, hug.

My long term goals and dreams

A distributed web where people, information, knowledge can be fluidly assembled, disassembled and reassembled around objects of attention to have meaningful contextualized productive discussions toward transformative action and systemic change. All this for a thriving world rich in opportunities for all.

What I would like to achieve in the next months

While projects are being developed, look into how we can open up channels between groups/networks with similar goals so that we can keep each other informed and cross-pollinate work on the ground toward a shared goal of portability and interoperability in sharing and collaboration.  See how efforts can coalesce in a more formal way to attract resources. 



(testing rdf)


  • Massage
